2011 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. Bats in the Belfry
02. Con Man
03. Here We Go
04. Melon Bend
05. Cover This
06. Time Served
07. Two Coins
08. Lightning
09. Turn This Ship Around
10. Bang Bang
11. Past The Falls
12. Carry You
13. Valentine
14. Steeples
15. Spades
16. Flying Horses
17. Passerby
18. Beto
19. Open Up
20. Broken American
21. The General
22. Mission
23. Cut It/Match It
24. Elias
06-25: | TD Garden | Boston | Massachusetts | | |
01. Melon Bend
02. Open Up
03. Time Served
04. Passerby
05. Con Man
06. Bullet Holes
07. Bang Bang
08. Beto
09. Steeples
10. Valentine
11. Elias
12. Past The Falls
13. Two Coins
14. Broken American
15. What Do You Wanna Be
16. Bats in the Belfry
17. Cut It/Match It
18. Flying Horses
19. Outloud
20. The General
06-24: | TD Garden | Boston | Massachusetts | | |
01. Melon Bend
02. Here We Go
03. Open Up
04. Cover This
05. Time Served
06. Con Man
07. Lightning
08. Bang Bang
09. Beto
10. Passerby
11. Hey, Hey
12. Steeples
13. Valentine
14. Spades
15. Flying Horses
16. Past The Falls
17. Turn This Ship Around
18. Two Coins
19. Broken American
20. The General
21. Mission
22. Elias
23. Cut It/Match It
24. Outloud
25. Bats in the Belfry
06-18: | Red Bull Arena | Harrison | New York | | |
01. Here We Go
02. Melon Bend
03. Time Served
04. Con Man
05. Even
06. Passerby
07. Bullet Holes
08. Bang Bang
09. Turn This Ship Around
10. Two Coins
11. Beto
12. Steeples
13. Walk With You
14. Valentine
15. Flying Horses
16. Passerby
17. Broken American
18. Bats in the Belfry
19. The General
20. Cut It/Match It
21. Elias
22. Open Up
23. Outloud
06-11: | Greek Theatre | Berkeley | California | | |
01. Open Up
02. Here We Go
03. Cover This
04. Time Served
05. Melon Bend
06. Passerby
07. Beto
08. Lightning
09. Bang Bang
10. Past The Falls
11. Steeples
12. Valentine
13. Spades
14. Elias
15. Two Coins
16. Con Man
17. Bats in the Belfry
18. Broken American
19. The General
20. Cut It/Match It
21. Outloud
22. Flying Horses
06-08: | Millennium Park | Chicago | Illinois | | |
01. Bats in the Belfry
02. Open Up
03. Melon Bend
04. Con Man
05. Bullet Holes
06. Bang Bang
07. Past The Falls
08. Passerby
09. Beto
10. Valentine
11. Steeples
12. Spades
13. Two Coins
14. Time Served
15. Even
16. The General
17. Broken American
18. Flying Horses
19. Cut It/Match It
20. Outloud
21. Turn This Ship Around
22. Mission
23. Elias
06-07: | UIC Pavilion | Chicago | Illinois | | |
01. Flying Horses
02. Melon Bend
03. Time Served
04. Con Man
05. Outloud
06. Past The Falls
07. Bullet Holes
08. Turn This Ship Around
09. Two Coins
10. Beto
11. Carry You
12. Spades
13. Steeples
14. Valentine
15. Bang Bang
16. Passerby
17. Bats in the Belfry
18. Broken American
19. The General
20. Cut It/Match It
21. Elias
06-05: | Red Rocks | Morrison | Colorado | | |
01. Melon Bend
02. Here We Go
03. Open Up
04. Cover This
05. Time Served
06. Con Man
07. Bullet Holes
08. Bang Bang
09. Beto
10. Passerby
11. Steeples
12. Valentine
13. Spades
14. Flying Horses
15. Past The Falls
16. Turn This Ship Around
17. Two Coins
18. Broken American
19. The General
20. Elias
21. Cut It/Match It
22. Outloud
23. Bats in the Belfry
06-03: | Red Rocks | Morrison | Colorado | | |
2009 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. Questioned Apocalypse
02. Two Coins
03. Passerby
04. Outloud
05. Bullet Holes
06. Prince of Spades
07. Bang Bang
08. Flying Horses
09. Bridges
10. Past The Falls
11. Carry You
12. The General
13. Steeples
14. War
15. Elias
06-12: | Kennedy Center | Washington | District Of Columbia | | |
2007 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. Here We Go
02. Open Up
03. Bang Bang
04. Riddle
05. Ride A Tear
06. Lightning
07. Mission
08. Prince of Spades
09. Carnival
10. Cover This
11. Passerby
12. Fallin'
13. Bridges
14. Steeples
15. Walk With You
16. Flying Horses
17. Time Served
18. Even
19. Mayday
20. Past The Falls
21. Customs
22. Elias
23. Two Coins
24. Cut It/Match It
25. Bats in the Belfry
26. War
27. Outloud
28. The General
07-15: | Madison Square Garden | New York | New York | | |
2000 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. The General
02. Here We Go
03. Bullet Holes
04. Bang Bang
05. Bridges
06. Passerby
07. Even
08. Cut It/Match It
09. Steeples
10. Prince of Spades
11. Carry You
12. Hide Your Love Away
13. Flying Horses
14. Elias
15. Like a Prayer
16. Break My Stride
11-24: | The Wetlands | New York | New York | | |
01. Bang Bang
02. Fire Alarm Jam
03. What Do You Wanna Be
04. Here We Go
05. Bullet Holes
06. Mayday
07. Root Down
08. Bats in the Belfry
09. Cover This
10. Open Up
11. Passerby
12. Carry You
13. The General
14. Find Me
15. Mission
16. Bridges
17. Past The Falls
18. Questioned Apocalypse
19. Two Coins
20. Steeples
21. Elias
22. Whirlwind
23. Water Stop
01-29: | Bronxville High School | Bronxville | New York | | |
01. Water Stop
02. Past The Falls
03. Questioned Apocalypse
04. Two Coins
05. Stoned Me
06. Two Coins
07. Steeples
08. Drum Solo
09. What Do You Wanna Be
10. Bullet Holes
11. Here We Go
12. Root Down
13. Bats in the Belfry
14. Bang Bang
15. Hubs
16. Do You Feel Like We Do
17. Hubs
18. Passerby
19. Open Up
20. The General
21. Eye of the Tiger
22. Mission
01-15: | Dartmouth College | Hanover | New Hampshire | | |
1999 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. What Do You Wanna Be
02. Here We Go
03. Cover This
04. Railway
05. Bang Bang
06. Bullet Holes
07. Open Up
08. Water Stop
09. Steeples
10. Burning the River
11. Passerby
12. Past The Falls
13. Questioned Apocalypse
14. Two Coins
15. Cut It/Match It
16. Elias
17. Root Down
18. Bats in the Belfry
19. The General
20. Eye of the Tiger
21. Mission
22. War
23. Outloud
24. Stir It Up
25. Hubs
09-03: | Hamilton College | Clinton | New York | | |
1998 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. Water Stop
02. Steeples
03. Past The Falls
04. Questioned Apocalypse
05. Two Coins
06. Elias
07. Sabotage
08. Elias
09. Here We Go
10. Bats in the Belfry
11. Root Down
12. Cover This
13. Bang Bang
14. Playin'
15. Hubs
16. Railway
17. The General
18. Mission
19. What Do You Wanna Be
20. Flying Horses
21. Outloud
22. Hey, Hey
09-26: | Hamilton College | Clinton | New York | | |
01. Bats in the Belfry
02. Fats
03. Railway
04. Bang Bang
05. Hubs
06. Water Stop
07. Questioned Apocalypse
08. Steeples
09. Here We Go
10. The General
11. Mission
12. What Do You Wanna Be
06-25: | Harper's Ferry | Allston | Massachusetts | | |
01. Passerby
02. Water Stop
03. Past The Falls
04. Questioned Apocalypse
05. Two Coins
06. Steeples
07. Elias
08. Here We Go
09. Bats in the Belfry
10. Fats
11. Railway
12. Bang Bang
13. Cover This
06-03: | The Muse | Nantucket | Massachusetts | | |
1996 |
Date | Venue | City | State |
01. Talking
02. Steeples
03. Remake Me
04. Go Quietly
05. Matador
06. Questioned Apocalypse
07. Flute Instrumental
08. Flute Instrumental
09. Past The Falls
10. Mayday
11. Walk With You
12. Brad's Senior Project
13. Hey, Hey
14. Bridges
15. Desert Sky
16. Instrumental
17. Instrumental
18. Instrumental
04-16: | Middlebury College | Middlebury | Vermont | | |